Saturday 18 November 2017

The Sixth Sense

Cast: Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment, Toni Collette, Trevor Morgan and Olivia Williams

Director: M Night. Shyamalan

Release Date: 1999

Running Time: 1hr 47 minutes

Genre: Thriller

Rating: 15

Format: DVD


A young boy that can communicate with ghosts, seeks the help of a lonely child psychologist.

Clairvoyance is the incredible ability to gain information about an object, person or location through extrasensory perception. The gift of clairvoyance however has not been supported by science. Cole Sear (Osment) has the remarkable ability of communicating with ghosts, spirits that don't realise they are dead. Struggling to fit in at home and at school, he seeks the help of award winning child psychologist Dr Malcolm Crowe (Willis), in the hope that he can gain some control and understanding for his unusual gift. Director M Night. Shyamalan delivers one of the best films of 1999 in this magnificent thriller.

Bruce Willis stars as Dr Malcolm Crowe, awarded for his incredible effort in helping young children, he desperately tries to understand what's troubling young Cole. Malcolm Crowe meets with Cole on a weekly basis to help him understand his gift, helping him put it to good use. Haley Joel Osment delivers one of the best child performances of the decade with his incredible performance as Cole Sear. Struggling to come to terms with his gift, he gets badly bullied and ridiculed at school. The friendship that soon forms between Cole and Dr Malcolm Crowe is not only heartwarming but courageous for the both of them.

Award-winning actress Toni Collette delivers one of the best performances of her career as Lynn Sear. A single mother who is struggling to understand what is happening to her young child. Colette's performance is remarkably genuine and emotional. The emotion that Collette is able to show on screen is absolutely outstanding. M Night Shyamalan not only proves he is a worthy director but a terrific screenwriter. The storyline is tremendously thought-provoking and reaches out to you on a psychological and emotional level. Packed full of surprises, it certainly has it's fair share of unexpected jump scares.

The storyline is fantastically unique in showing horror without the use of gore or violence. One of very few movies to actually be filmed in sequence. Shyamalan has heavily relied on psychological responses from his actors to create real effects, although some special effects are apparent in the film, Shyamalan has relied more on the performance of his actors to create real suspense and fear. Beautifully edited with a haunting score, this is one film that M Night. Shyamalan should certainly be proud of. Thrilling and spectacular.

5/5 stars

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