Wednesday 28 December 2016

Bean: The Movie

Cast: Rowan Atkinson, Peter MacNicol, John Mills, Pamela Reed and Burt Reynolds.

Director: Mel Smith

Release Date: 1997

Genre: Comedy

Running Time: 1hr 29 minutes

Rating: PG-13


Mr Bean (Rowan Atkinson) works as a caretaker at the famous Royal National Gallery in London, his bosses want to fire him, but can't because the chairman of the gallery is extremely fond of him. They send him to Los Angeles, USA instead, to a small art gallery where he'll have to officiate the opening of the one of the greatest paintings ever! Whistlers Mother!

So for some of you that might not be aware of what "Mr Bean" is, it was a very famous TV show back in the 80's and 90's that starred Rowan Atkinson, very basic slapstick comedy, without the use of any speech! It caught on pretty quick and before we know it, they were making this movie, back in 1997! All I can say is if you are a massive comedy fan, you are really gonna love this beauty of a movie, because it's absolutely hilarious! Rowan Atkinson has proved to be absolutely brilliant in the likes of "Johnny English" but believe me, he is absolutely fabulous in this film and shows great comedic talent.

Mel Smith directed this movie, although he doesn't have a lot of films to his credit, he did a really great job of this film. Its a very simple movie, seriously don't go expecting oscar winning performances, however that doesn't mean the acting is bad, because it's far from it, we have some famous faces like Pamela Reed (Kindergarten Cop) and Burt Reynolds (Cop and a half), starring in this film, not to mention of course Rowan Atkinson, who has really proved himself since his Mr Bean days, he was very famous in a British TV show "Black Adder" but "Mr  Bean" really did send him in the right direction for fame.

One of the things that I love about this movie is honestly how stupid it is, please don't be put off by that statement, it's honestly what makes it so hilarious. There are moments of this film that will honestly have you laughing out loud, perhaps put your cuppa tea down somewhere safe first. Safety comes first after all :P Some scenes in this film might even be relatable, I know I've experienced some of these things, no word of a lie. A turkey in a microwave? Need I say more? That's a funny scene...I didn't um put a turkey in a microwave.

The costume design is pretty basic, however note how Mr Bean always wears the same thing, I love the characterization that comes with that. If you've never seen it before and you were wondering why he always wears the same thing, it's part of the character that he does that. Its set in modern times, so as you can imagine fashion is pretty standard for the mid 90's, to be honest not a lot different from now really, it's amazing what comes back around.

The cinematography is really great, it's a well shot movie, it makes sense from beginning to end, one might argue it's a little bit predictable, but like I said, don't get expecting an oscar winning performance, it is what is you know? The soundtrack is brilliant, with some amazing songs from The Beach Boys and Katrina and the Waves, not to mention a gorgeous score from Howard Goodhall. Boyzone also make a nice appearance on the soundtrack at the end.

I really loved this film and I'd recommend it to anyone that really loves comedy films, especially if they are a huge fan of Rowan Atkinson. The best thing you can do with this movie is to go in with an open mind and not expect a lot from it, it's just some fun. I think you'll find you'll enjoy it a lot more, if you don't go in expecting a masterpiece.

I'd highly recommend this film especially to family's!

5/5 stars

Saturday 3 December 2016

Terminator: Genisys

Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney,  J.K Simmons, and Byung-hun Lee.

Director: Alan Taylor

Release Date: 2015

Genre: Action/Thriller

Running Time: 2hrs 5 minutes

Rating: PG-13


John Connor (Jason Clarke) is leader of the human resistance, he sends Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) back to 1984, to protect Sarah Connor (Emilia Clarke), and safeguard the future. However a unexpected turn of events creates a damaged time line. Now Kyle finds himself in a new version of the past, where he is faced with some unlikely allies including guardian Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger), dangerous new enemies and a new mission this time to reset the future!

I went to see this at the cinema with a couple of friends and to be honest, none of us really knew what to expect, most of us wern't even alive when the original movies came out, so as you can imagine we didn't really know what to expect watching a Terminator movie on the big screen! All I know is, I am gutted I wasn't able to see the original in the cinema, because I bet it was amazing! Sadly James Cameron didn't direct this picture, instead we see Alan Taylor as the director who also brought us a few episodes of "Game of Thrones", is that how Emilia Clarke got a role perhaps?

I really love Emilia Clarke she is amazing in "Game of Thrones" and I think she was perfect for her role in "Me before you" however, I'm not sure she was the right choice for this movie, it could be because you get used to seeing someone and perhaps it's because I loved Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor. Really they left this movie far too long, this should have always been the 3rd installment in the Terminator Franchise. I'm a big, big fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger, but sadly I think these movies have run their course and I really don't think he did that good a job as a good Terminator as it were. I'm really sorry, but I can't stand Jason Clarke, I've seen him a few things and can't warm to him in any role, including John Connor in this movie. Definitely not the right choice in my eyes.
I don't know what it is about Arnie in this movie, but I just can't warm to him in his role? I mean he was good in Terminator 2, so it can't be that right? It's like he's trying to hard to be funny and it just doesn't work. Perhaps I am missing something here.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate this movie, but I do honestly think they could have done better, forgive me but James Cameron did a much better job! I like that this movie shows more of the future, and the robots, compared to the first couple of movies. The special effects are great, but I do think they could have done better! I've seen this film about 4-5 times now and everytime I find it confusing, it hasn't been explained very well, I do understand though that it's the first of a new trilogy, so perhaps all will be explained further down the line?

I love that it goes back in time and we almost see the beginning of the first movie all over, but in a different time-line, confused yet? Don't worry, it all does make sense. How they managed to get an younger Arnie next to a up to date Arnie is beyond me, it's incredible what they can do in movies these days? Yes that sounds cheesy, but it's true! It's very clever! I sort of feel like saying to people, watch this movie then 1 and then 2, to actually understand every moment of the first couple of movies.

The T-1000 is pretty cool, I love Byung-Hun's sinister look, I think he does a good job as the bad Terminator. This movie is certainly packed with lots of action, if your like my fiance and you love lots of explosions in your films! The cinematography isn't too bad, although some of the special effects, don't look amazing as I mentioned before but I suppose they are good for what they are. The make up on Arnie's face and Jason Clark's face is brilliant, hats off to the make up department there!

I find this movie quite confusing, so it's hard for me to talk about it at times, some may find it easier to understand then others, it's definitely one of those films where you have to concentrate quite a bit. It has rather an interesting ending. The soundtrack could have been better too really, considering the score's from the first two films, it was a bit of a let down. I almost feel like this movie was rushed, I do think Alan Taylor could have done a better job really and taken his time with this, to make it really good.

This wasn't awful, but it wasn't amazing!

3/5 stars

Annabelle: Creation

Cast: Anthony Lapaglia, Samara Lee, Miranda Otto, Lulu Wilson, Talitha Eleana Bateman and Stephanie Sigman. Director: David F. Sandberg ...